Rucking is easy…at least when everything goes according to plan. Too often in life—or rucking—things don’t go as planned. That’s the idea behind this Callout.
Welcome to the Rain Ruck. We already know what some of you are going to say. “Guys, it doesn't rain here right now, we are in a drought.”
That’s fine.
Here’s what you do with this one. Find a day when it’s raining and go log some miles. If rain isn’t in the forecast, you have options. Jump in a pool, drench yourself with a hose, do some 4-count flutter kicks in a fountain. It’s up to you. You’ve just gotta be wet when you do it. Soaked, head to toe. Not a dry spot on you or your group. Then, go have fun under the ruck!
The Details
- Minimum 3 people
- Distance: 5 miles or more
- All participants must be completely soaked head to toe. Get creative! Here are a few options:
- Ruck in the rain
- Jump in a pool
- Use a hose to wet everyone down
- Do some PT in a fountain or other body of water
- No weight requirement, use your regular training weight
- Share on social media and use #RUCKCLUBCALLOUT and tag @goruck