1. Tommy Peoples'/The Long Drop/Callaghan's - Kevin Crawford
2. Young Tom Ennis/The Mouse In The Mug - Kevin Crawford
3. Tae The Beggin'/Alice's Reel - Kevin Crawford
4. Coilsfield House - Kevin Crawford
5. The Bag Of Spuds/Matt Peoples - Kevin Crawford
6. Strike The Gay Harp/Jim O'Connor's - Kevin Crawford
7. Jimmy O'Reilly's/Doonagore/The Bellharbour Reel - Kevin Crawford
8. Sliabh Geal Gcua - Kevin Crawford
9. The First Pint/The Flying Wheelchair/The Humours Of Derrycrossane - Kevin Crawford
10. John Carty's/The Stolen Reel/Feeding The Birds - Kevin Crawford
11. The Rolling Waves/Finbar Dwyer's Favorite - Kevin Crawford
12. The Banks Of The Suir/Mama's Pet - Kevin Crawford
13. The High Road To Glin/The Hard Road To Travel/Paddy Fahy's - Kevin Crawford
14. Brian O'Lynn/Cailleach A Shusa - Kevin Crawford
15. Tommy's Mazurkas - Kevin Crawford
16. Farewell to Jim/That's More of It - Kevin Crawford
17. Ashmolean House/The Kilcloon/Out On The Road - Kevin Crawford